
Showing posts from November, 2019

Myotherapy in Caulfield

When muscles and tendons become damaged or impaired, knotted and tense or immobile, Myotherapy in Caulfield provides a healing treatment that can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow. Myotherapy in Caulfield holistically treats the whole body and traces the discomfort as far as possible back to the original cause, healing both the cause of the disorder as well as the symptoms. Myotherapy in Caulfield Techniques Massage uses several specialised techniques to locate and repair damage and to support and speed up the body’s own repair mechanisms. The massage is applied directly to the skin using oil, which ensures that the muscles associated with the disorder and mobilisation of the joint are deeply penetrated. Passive stretching moves are also used. Benefits of Myotherapy in Caulfield at Caulfield Family Chiropractic Key benefits of Myotherapy in Caulfield include: the stimulation to the blood supply allowing toxins in the muscles to be removed; the calming o...